Describe of the value proposition
There are so many cloud sites out there--Dropbox, Google Grive,, etc. All of these services have robust APIs that would make it easy to integrate them. My idea is to have one app/site where people can provide their credentials to all of these services and then have one big cloud drive. On the back end, the app will figure out where the files are actually dropped but to the user it's a huge amount of free space all centralized. Think of the possibilities!
And the best part is--no fixed costs in buying up terabytes of hard drives to begin the business.
I'm looking for a developer, designer, another business guy, and a legal guy. I am married and have a child so I do not anticipate working all-nighters and longer hours. I just want to put together a sharp prototype.
Todd Warren Send Email
Created On: 10/12/2012 10:08:15
I like this one; i think checking out the competitive landscape is really important here. there is some serious development work here as well so finding the right technical cofounders is important. Also, why use this than just dropbox alone?
SnapChange Send Email
Created On: 10/07/2012 17:08:07
Cool idea.