


Describe of the value proposition 
Problem about paper documents is that
1. You have to run to different offices around campus or the city to submit (such as add-drop, or course overload forms from the Registration office, or immunization forms from the Health Service office)
2. Sometimes you don't know how to fill in certain document and you have no one to ask
3. Sometimes you just can't find the document you need.

GoDoc is an online platform where you can easily locate the document you need, get guidelines of how to fill certain document, and submit to offices directly online. Save your time of running to different places and waiting in line.

We realize this may depend on how much cooperative support we can get either from school offices or city offices, but here are the reasons why we are convinced it is an opportunity:
1. New students (potential users) keep enrolling in school every year.
2. Go paperless, save your time, save the environment
3. Types of available documents will be based directly on user requests.

We are trying to run pilot launch just in Northwestern University and City of Evanston.

Name Entry
Todd Warren
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Created On: 10/12/2012 11:35:49

what kind of offices and documents.
Feedback from GoDoc: Sorry for the unclear information. The profile is updated. Thanks for the feedback!


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