

  Josh Serlin


Describe of the value proposition 
For those seeking natural or alternative healthcare information online, wellbe provides an aggregation of cited, sorted and organized articles from medical journals, databases and notable health publications as well as a community of like-minded users to share testimonials and validate or invalidate treatments it has tried with a numerical rating system.

Name Entry
Todd Warren
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Created On: 10/12/2012 11:19:07

where do these people go to information now? what is the business model? is there a particular subset of alternative care that's a good place to start?
Feedback from wellbe: Hi Todd, people now use a variety of things; google, mercola.com, prevention.com, webmd.com, friends/family knowledgeable in this area (meaning they don't search online but would like to). The business model is likely to be a premium membership model based on providing correlative analytics around what other members have used for similar symptoms or conditions and other features. In my prototype, I'm starting with lyme disease, adhd, bipolar disorder and a few others just because i've had or family members' have had these conditions so I'm most familiar with the different symptoms, conditions and treatments.


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