Crowd Kicked 

Crowd Kicked

  Brad Puder
  Rajiv Murali
  Patrick Merfert


Describe of the value proposition 
Over the last few years, crowd-funding has exploded on such websites as Kickstarter and indiegogo. Projects often generate a lot of buzz (i.e. sales) during their funding campaign but then risk falling off the map after the campaign if they do not have a dedicated distribution channel.

Crowd Kicked is an e-commerce website that will feature successfully crowd-funded products. The value prop is two-fold. On the consumer side, it provides a central place to search for and buy unique, crowd-funded (and therefore well-curated) products. On the supplier side, it provides a distribution channel for the independent designers who otherwise couldn't draw traffic to their slim product portfolio.

"No-Brand Cuffs" summary: It's like an Etsy meets Fab for Kickstarter-funded items.

Name Entry
Todd Warren
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Created On: 10/12/2012 11:36:59

need to make sure it's really a pain point for crowd funded products. need to figure out how much they will pay.


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